Our Services
Aviation Training
We started Arrow modelling as a hobby concept and found a lot of children have the passion to built and Fly so we thought instead of Kites let those children fly aeroplanes.
Under this program children get a chance to build model aeroplanes gliders Birds rockets and Fly them the get in idea what an aircraft is really about and by making these models they can touch field and C bringing them closer to the details of how to make aircrafts.
We conduct specially designed learning programs that driven reinforce the learning by giving children the maximum hand on experience using a modelling kites flight simulators audio visual source experiments projects and activities.
We guide the students to make a successful career in Aeromodelling. We motivate & inspire the aspirant to make a career as a Pilot, Scientiest, Aeronautical Engineer, Space Researcher, Hobby Flyer & Drone Engineer, the world’s best, highly sophisticated & highly paid jobs.